Commencement 2024

Commencement Frequently Asked Questions

Commencement 2024 Ceremony Schedule

7 p.m. - SDSU Imperial Valley

8 a.m. - College of Education/Interdisciplinary Studies in Three Departments

1 p.m. - College of Graduate Studies 1
Doctoral, terminal & master’s degree candidates from:

  • College of Education
  • College of Engineering
  • College of Sciences

5 p.m. - College of Graduate Studies 2
Doctoral, terminal & master’s degree candidates from:

  • College of Arts & Letters
  • College of Professional Studies & Fine Arts
  • College of Health & Human Services
  • Fowler College of Business

Graduates in Viejas Arena.


Find everything you need to know for commencement, including the day at a glance, how to get tickets and where to buy commencement apparel.
Graduate getting a lei wrapped around them.

Family and Guests

Find helpful information for families and guests, such as where to stay and broadcasting information.
Graduate looking at the Viejas Arena Super Screen.

Leave Your Legacy

Be recognized as a distinguished donor at commencement! Donate $10 to the Aztec Proud Class of 2024 Legacy Scholarship and receive a red and white legacy cord to wear proudly on commencement day. We appreciate your generosity!