Fowler College of Business
Due to stringent security measures, all students participating in commencement are required to present their SDSU RedID card or a valid, government-issued picture ID for admittance to Viejas Arena.
Students who do not bring valid ID to Viejas Arena will not be allowed to participate in commencement.
Commencement Ceremony
When: Saturday, May 17, 2025 at 8:00 a.m.
Where: Viejas Arena
Dean Dan Moshavi will preside over the ceremony, which will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. and last approximately two hours.
All graduates and guests should remain seated until the ceremony is concluded by Dean Moshavi.
Graduates will exit Viejas Arena at floor level and guests will exit from the top gates. Guests will not be able to enter the arena floor. Please do not congregate in front of the arena exits.
All candidates participating in the Fowler College of Business ceremony should arrive to Lot 13 at 6:15 a.m.
Once you have entered Lot 13, you will be directed to tables organized alphabetically by last name where you will pick up your graduate card. This is the card you will present to the SDSU representative who will scan the card prior to you crossing the stage.
College representatives will help to organize you in the correct processional line according to your major.
The processional will begin promptly at 7:15 a.m.
Tickets and Seating
Candidates whose applications are approved for graduation will have the opportunity to claim guest tickets for their commencement ceremony at Viejas Arena. All guests one (1) year of age and older require a ticket to attend commencement. The only exception to this rule are babies under the age of one who must be seated on an adult’s lap. Commencement guest tickets are for assigned seating at Viejas Arena.
The number of tickets available to each student is determined by the number of candidates graduating in each college. The ticket allotment by college will be available in late February on the commencement website. Get more information about tickets.
Commencement tickets are provided at no charge to all graduates. SDSU does not authorize the sale of complimentary tickets.
Candidates must access Lot 13 (north of Viejas Arena) from the ground level, across from Parking Structure 12. All guests must access Viejas Arena through the main entrance gates. Due to stringent security measures, all students participating in commencement are required to present their SDSU RedID (preferred) or a valid, government-issued picture ID in order to be admitted to Viejas Arena. Students who do not bring valid ID will not be allowed to participate in commencement.ENTRANCE TO ARENA
Inclement Weather
In case of rain, candidates should arrive to Lot 13, across from Parking Structure 12, at least 45 minutes before the processional start time, unless otherwise noted for your college.
Once candidates enter through security and show their RedID, they will proceed directly inside Viejas Arena where they will be seated according to their department.
Please note candidates will be unable to bring umbrellas inside the arena due to the limited mobility on the arena floor and potential tripping hazard. However, there will be bins located at the entrance to store umbrellas during the ceremony.
All guests will be allowed to bring umbrellas into the arena, but they cannot be larger than 20" and must be collapsible.
Guests must remain seated until the conclusion of the ceremony. You will not be allowed to stand in the aisles or block the views of others in order to take photos or videos. Camera tripods are not allowed in Viejas Arena. There will be ample time after each ceremony to take photographs on campus with a wide variety of backdrops.
Graduation portrait photographers will be available during GradFest, March 18-20.
GradImages Photography will take photographs of each graduate on stage during the commencement ceremonies. Each graduate will be sent no-obligation proofs of the commencement photographs via email and text after the event. Proofs will also be sent via postal mail. You will have the opportunity to purchase prints after you have seen your proofs.
Prior to the ceremony, graduates can also pre-register by visiting and clicking on “Pre-Event Email Registration.” There you will enter your email address and up to six emails for others to view and order your photos.
If you have any questions about your commencement ceremony photographs, please visit or call toll-free 1-800-261-2576.
Please call the Student Ability Success Center at (619) 594-6473 for assistance for candidates with mobility or hearing difficulties or other disabilities.DISABILITY ACCESS
If you have further questions, please contact:
Fowler Center for Student Success
[email protected]
(619) 594-5828